Research School of Management
Management; Organizational behavior; Emotion, mood, affect.
Lu (Nick) Wang is an Associate Professor of Management. His primary research focuses on emotions in an organizational context, where he seeks to understand how emotions enhance individuals’ ability to work together and, relatedly, how organizational context shapes the type of emotions individuals experience and express at work. Lu’s research uses both experimental and survey methodology to examine these questions. His work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science and other top-ranked academic journals. Lu has won research awards including from the Academy of Management Conference, and the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference and is a recipient of UNSW’s Goldstar Research Award and Non-Professorial Research Award. Lu’s work on emotions has appeared in non-academic outlets such as the New York Times, Australian Financial Review, Harvard Business Review, and BBC Business.