Research School of Management
Behavioural information security, including data breaches, identity theft, system and software vulnerabilities, software hacking, customer account fraud, and software piracy, at the organisational and individual user/consumer levels
Organisational transformation approaches and initiatives, including open source software use and open source software project management
Online services and user behaviour, such as use, mobile devices, cloud computing, personal cloud services, online service failure, virtual worlds
Sigi Goode is a Professor of Information Systems. Sigi’s research interests lie in information security behavior, services and technology adoption, policy and use. His research toolkit includes more than fifteen years’ experience designing and managing online information platforms. Sigi’s research has been funded by organisations including the Department of Defence, AustCyber and the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network. He has published papers in journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Business Ethics, Information & Management, and European Journal of Operational Research. Sigi is also an Associate Editor of Information & Management, Behaviour & Information Technology, the Pacific Asia Journal of Information Systems, and the Australasian Journal of Information Systems.
Research publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Tan, M. K. S., Goode, S., Richardson, A. (2020) “Understanding Negotiated Anti-Malware Interruption Effects on User Decision Quality in Endpoint Security”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-30, forthcoming
Goode, S. (2020) “Confront, Accept or Reinterpret? Coping Mediation Effects on Attribution in Cloud Service Failure”, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 1-26, forthcoming
Lacey, D., Goode, S., Pawada, J., Gibson, D. (2020) “The application of scam compliance models to investment fraud offending”, Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice, 6(1), 65-81
Goode, S. (2020) “Understanding Single Homing and Multihoming User Switching Propensity in Cloud File Hosting Service Relationships”. e-Service Journal, 11(2), 34-73
Goode, S., (2019) “Keeping the User in the Cloud: A Cognitive Social Capital Antecedent to Use Continuance and Trust-Commitment in Personal Cloud Storage Services”, Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-25
Goode, S., Hoehle, H., Venkatesh, V., Brown, S., (2017) “Understanding User Compensation as a Data Breach Recovery Action: An Investigation of the Sony PlayStation Network Breach”, MIS Quarterly, 41(3), 703-727
Goode, S., (2015) “A Note on Service Switching: Evidence from Cloud Storage Services”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 36(2), 153-172
Goode, S., Lin, C., Tsai, J. C., Jiang, J. J. (2015) "Rethinking the Role of Security in Client Satisfaction with Software-As-A-Service (Saas) Providers", Decision Support Systems, 70, 73-85
Bonny, P., Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2015) “Revisiting Employee Fraud: Gender, Investigation Outcomes and Offender Motivation”, Journal of Financial Crime, 22(4), 447–467
Goode, S., Shailer, G., Wilson, M., Jankowski, J., (2014) “Gifting and Status in Virtual Worlds”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(2), 171-210
Goode, S., Lin, C., Fernandez, W., Jiang, J., (2014) “Exploring Two Explanations of Loyalty in Application Service Provision”, European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2), 649–657
Goode, S., (2014) “Exploring Organizational Information Sharing in Adopters and Non-Adopters of Open Source Software: Evidence from Six Case Studies”, Knowledge and Process Management, 21(1), 78-89
Goode, S., (2013), “Engagement and Disengagement in Online Service Failure: Contrasting Problem and Emotional Coping Effects”, Journal of Internet Commerce, 11(3), 226-253
Hoehle, H., Huff, S., Goode, S., (2012) “The Role of Continuous Trust in Information Systems Continuance”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52(4), 1-9
Goode, S., (2012) “Initial Findings of a Gap Analysis of the Digital Piracy Literature: Six Undiscovered Countries”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 6(4) (invited paper), 238–259
Lacey, D., Cuganesan, S., Goode, S., Jacobs, K., (2012) “Celebrating Adversity: Inter-Organizational Dependence and Public Sector Performance Reporting in the Australian Federal Police”, Public Administration, 90(2), 393-411
Kartas, A., Goode, S., (2012) “Use, Perceived Deterrence and the Role of Software Piracy in Video Game Console Adoption”, Information Systems Frontiers, 14(2), 261-277
Goode, S., Kartas, A., (2012) “Exploring Software Piracy as a Factor of Video Game Console Adoption”, Behaviour and Information Technology, 31(6), 547-563
Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2011) “Detecting Complex Account Fraud in the Enterprise: The Role of Technical and Non-Technical Controls”, Decision Support Systems, 50(4), 702-714
Goode, S., (2010) “Exploring the Supply of Pirate Software for Mobile Devices: An Analysis of Software Types and Piracy Groups”, Information Management and Computer Security, 18(4), 204–225 (Received Highly Commended Paper Award)
Fernandez, W., Goode, S., Robinson, M., (2010) “Uneasy Alliances: Tradition and ICT Transformation in the Value Chain”, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 20(3), 234–256
Frost, D., Goode, S., Hart, D., (2010) “Individualist and Collectivist Factors Affecting Online Repurchase Intentions”, Internet Research, 20(1), 6-28
Goode, S., Gregor, S., (2009) “Rethinking Organisational Size in IS Research: Meaning, Measurement and Redevelopment”, European Journal of Information Systems, 18(1), 4-25
Plowman, S., Goode, S., (2009) “Factors Affecting the Intention to Download Music: Quality Perceptions and Downloading Intensity”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), 84-97
Goode, S., Willis, R. A., Wolf, J. R., Harris, A. L., (2007) “Enhancing IS Education with Flexible Teaching and Learning”, Journal of Information Systems Education, 18(3), 297–302
Goode, S., Cruise, S., (2006) “What Motivates Software Crackers?”, Journal of Business Ethics, 65(2), 173-201
Goode, S., (2005) “Something for Nothing: Management Rejection of Open Source Software in Australia’s Top Firms”, Information & Management, 42(5), 669–681
Goode, S., Teh, S., (2005) “Peer Review to Support Student Assessment in Teams”, Journal of Information Systems Education, 16(4), 379-384
Goode, S., (2005) “A Longitudinal Study of ISP Reactions to Australian Internet Content Regulation Laws”, Australian Journal of Information Systems, 13(1)
Berrill, A., Goode, S., Hart, D., (2004) “Managerial Expectations of Internet Commerce Adoption after the ‘Tech Wreck’ of 2000 – An Australian Perspective”, Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 7(3), 45–63
Cappuccio, C., Goode, S., (2003) “Australian Business after the Dotcom Bubble: Initial Findings”, Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, 35(1), 3-20
Goode, S., (2003) “Regulating the Information Society: Initial ISP Reactions to Australian Internet Content Legislation”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 43(2), 9–15
Goode, S., (2002) “Management Attitudes Toward the World Wide Web in Australian Small Business”, Information Systems Management, 19(1), 45–48
Goode, S., (2002) “Exploratory Analysis of the Effect of Consultants on the Use of World Wide Web Sites in SMEs”, Australian Journal of Information Systems, 10(1), 20-28
Goode, S., Stevens, K., (2000) “An Analysis of the Business Characteristics of Adopters and Non-adopters of World Wide Web Technology”, Information Technology and Management, 1(1), 129-154
Refereed Conference Papers
Goode, S., (2018) “Keeping the User in the Cloud: A Cognitive Social Capital Antecedent to Use Continuance and Service Commitment”, Proceedings of the 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Yokohama, Japan (ERA A)
Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2017) “Designing and Evaluating Two Interventions to Improve Identity Theft Recovery Outcomes”, Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS), Sydney, Australia
Goode, S., (2013) “Switching Propensity in Single-Homing and Multi-Homing Cloud Service Relationships”, Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
Jiang, J.J., Chen, V., Goode, S., Fernandez, W., (2013) "Conflict Resolution Satisfaction and IS Program Effectiveness: Constructive Controversy Theory", 8th Pre-ICIS International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (
Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2011) “Exploring Interpersonal Relationships in Security Information Sharing”, International Conference on Information Systems , Shanghai, China
Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2011) “Exploring Information Security Controls Using Information Fraud Episodes: Case Study Evidence from a Large Telecommunications Firm”, 19th European Conference on Information Systems , Helsinki, Finland
O'Reilly, K., Goode, S., Hart, D., (2010) “Exploring Mobile Commerce Intention: Evidence from Australia”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Lew, S., Fernández, W., Goode, S. (2010) “IT Outsourcing by Small and Medium Enterprises: Experiences from Singapore”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT, Brisbane, Australia
Goode, S., Lacey, D., (2009) “Social Embeddedness and Sharing Security Information: Bridging the Cost Benefit Gap”, Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (winner, Best Research Paper)
Li, M., Gregor, S., Goode, S., (2007) “Developing a Model for Government Service Delivery through Intelligent Support Systems”, Proceedings of the 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
Robinson, M., Fernandez, W., Goode, S., (2007) “Strategic Supply Chain Management in a Large Bakery”, Proceedings of the International Society for the Systems Sciences, Tokyo, Japan
Cruise, S., Goode, S., (2004) “What Motivates Software Crackers?”, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Hart, D., Goode, S., (2004) “Understanding Data and Information Sharing in Organizations: A Value-Based Approach”, Proceedings of the 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Cruise, S., Goode, S., (2004) “Preliminary Analysis of Factors Motivating Software Crackers”, Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
Hart, D., Goode, S., (2004) “A Value-Based Analysis of Data and Information Sharing Behaviour in Organizations”, Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
Goode, S., (2004) “A Concept Map of the Organisational Size Construct in Information Systems Research”, Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
Kend, M., Goode, S., (2004) “The Impact of Website Ownership and Age on Reported Cash Flows”, Proceedings of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference
Stern, S., Gregor, S., Martin, M., Goode, S., Rolfe, J., (2004) “A Classification Tree Analysis of Broadband Adoption in Australian Households”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Delft, The Netherlands
Goode, S., (2003) “Exploring Barriers to Open Source Software Adoption in Australia’s Top Firms: Implications and Directions for Research”, Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Berrill, A., Goode, S., Hart, D., (2003) “Managerial Expectations Regarding Internet Commerce Adoption after the “Tech Wreck” of 2000 – An Australian Perspective”, Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.
Cappuccio, C., Goode, S., Lodhia, S., (2002) “A Discussion of Pre- and Post-Adoption Metrics: Does Ecommerce Evaluation Really Pay Off?”, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Australasian Conference on Information Systems(winner, Best Research in Progress Paper)
Goode, S., (2002) “Regulating the Internet: A Longitudinal Study of ISP Reactions to Australian Internet Content Regulation Laws”, Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan
Cappuccio, C., Goode, S., Lodhia, S., (2002) “Towards an Actionable Framework of Pre- and Post-Adoption Ecommerce Evaluation”, Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan
Goode, S., (2002) “On the Theoretical Justification of the Organisational Size Construct in Information Systems Research”, Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Tokyo, Japan
Freeman, C., Goode, S., (2002) “Entry into the Information Society: The View from Tajikistan”, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Systems, Gdansk, Poland
Goode, S., (2001) “Organizational Size Metrics in IS Research: A Critical Survey of the Literature 1989-2000”, Proceedings of the Twelfth Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Coffs Harbour
Professional Papers and Reports
Goode, S., (2017) “A Structured Literature Review of Identity Theft Research: Principal Concepts and a Conceptual Framework”, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Sydney, Australia
Goode, S., (2017) “An Analysis of Australian Identity Theft Cases: Victims, Attacks and Intervention Development”, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), Sydney, Australia
Goode, S., (2009) “The Facebook Black Box”, Protégé Student Magazine, College of Business and Economics, Canberra, Australia
Goode, S., (2007) “Australian Film Studio Benefits from Broadband Networks…and Location”, in Stair, R., Reynolds, G., Principles of Information Systems, 8th Ed., Cengage Learning, 2007
ANU E-commerce Research Group (2004) Business Broadband Adoption Report, Australian Broadband Telecommunications Research Project, Supplied to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australian National University, Canberra, (June)
ANU E-commerce Research Group (2003), Interim Household Broadband Adoption Report, Australian Broadband Telecommunications Research Project, Supplied to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australian National University, Canberra
ANU E-commerce Research Group (2003), An Analysis of the Context of Broadband Adoption in Australia: A Position Paper, Australian Broadband Telecommunications Research Project, Supplied to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Australian National University, Canberra
“Putting Paid to Pop-up Ads”, Australian CPA, October 2002
“Can Your SME Adopt the WWW?”, Charter Magazine, No. 7, August. 1999 (with Ken Stevens)
Research grants and awards
Australian Department of Defence (2020)
AustCyber Competitive Grants Scheme, Fifth Domain, Canberra Institute of Technology, the Australian National University, and Nova Systems. (2018-2019)
Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) Competitive Grants Scheme, Understanding Consumer Identity Theft Risks Across Communications Media (2016-2017)
Department of Communications, IT and the Arts research grant, Understanding Australian Broadband Take-up in Households and Businesses. (2003).
2014 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Decision Sciences (A*)
2011 Highly Commended Paper Award, Emerald Publishers
2009 Best Paper, Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
2008 Men’s Style magazine “Men of Influence Under 45” list
2007 Nominee, ANU Last Lecture
2005 Nominee, Australian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS) Best Doctoral Thesis Award
2002 Best Research in Progress Paper, Australian Conference on Information Systems
Research engagement and outreach
Editorial Board, Information & Management
Editorial Board, Behaviour & Information Technology
Editorial Board, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Information Systems
Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Member, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Sigi Goode received the ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Education and a Carrick Institute Australian Award for Teaching Excellence.
General Teaching information
- Coordinator/Lecturer, INFS1001 Business Information Systems
- Coordinator/Lecturer, INFS3059 Project Management and Information Systems
Previous Teaching:
- INFS1001 Foundations of e-Commerce and Information Systems
- INFS3059 Project Management and Information Systems
- INFS2004 Electronic Business
- BUSI3030 International Supply Chain Management
- Supervisor, CBEA3070 ANU College of Business and Economics Internship Project
- Supervisor, BUSN3060 Special Topics in Business
- INFS8999 New Topics in IS Research
- INFS2012 Business Information Systems
- MGMT7020 Technology and Project Management
- INFS7040 E-commerce for Managers
- BUSI7001 Managing the Global Supply Chain
- INFS7002 E-Business Systems
- INFS8201 Advanced Topics in Information Systems Research