Associate Professor Ashkan Zarghami

Ashkan Zarghami


Research School of Management

Deputy Director - Research
Phone number
+61 2 612 50086
Room 1053, PAP Moran Bld (26B)
Research areas

Project Management; Project Scheduling; Construction Management; Operations Management; Complex Systems; Infrastructure Networks; Reliability Engineering; Supply Chain Networks.


Ashkan Zarghami is an Associate Professor of Project Management. His research focuses on the development of applied mathematical models with applications to a broad range of fields, including project management, operations management, infrastructure networks, and supply chain management. Ashkan has a great passion for proposing novel ideas and his research appeared in top ranked international journals such as Decision Support SystemsJournal of Construction Engineering and Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business EthicsReliability Engineering and System SafetyInternational Journal of Production ResearchIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Engineering, Construction and Architectural ManagementInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, and Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Research publications

Highlighted Journal Articles


Zarghami, S.A. (2025). The Role of Integrated Governance Principles in the Fight Against Corruption. Public Administration and Development. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2025). The Role of Economic Policies in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7: Insights from OECD and European Countries. Applied Energy, 377, 124558. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2025). 'There are also unknown unknowns': A resilience-informed approach for forecasting and monitoring management reserve in projects. International Journal of Production Research, 63(1), 220-240. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 


Zarghami, S.A., and Dumrak, J. (2024). Evaluating vulnerability of supply chain networks to capacity reduction. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 25(3), 629-646. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., and Zwikael, O. (2024). Building project resilience: A critical systems practice approach. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Project robustness: Conceptualization, measurement, and implications for decision-making. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 5757-5770. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). The labyrinth of corruption in the construction industry: A system dynamics model based on 40 years of research. Journal of Business Ethics,195,335-352. [Financial Times 50 Journals]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Resilience to disruptions: A missing piece of contingency planning in projects. International Journal of Production Research, 62(17), 6029-6045. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Anticorruption practices in construction projects: Looking through two theoretical lenses. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. DOI:10.1108/00207543.2024.2306474. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). No scheduling problem but rather a rescheduling problem: Measuring robustness of schedule network in construction projects. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,150(2), 04023157. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A*]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Project schedule contingency planning: Building on von Bertalanffy's open systems theory and critical systems practice. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 41(2), 247-261. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Measuring sensitivity to change orders in construction projects using eigenvector centrality and radius of gyration. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(6), 2478-2495. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A. (2024). Anatomy of interactions among risk factors influencing implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM): A system dynamics approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(11), 4398-4416. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., and Zwikael, O. (2024). Buffer allocation in construction projects: A disruption mitigation approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(10), 3946-3972. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].


Dumrak, J., and Zarghami, S.A. (2023). The role of artificial intelligence in lean construction management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. DOI: 10.1108/ECAM-02-2022-0153. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A. (2023). Deviation from a state of perfect uniformity: An indicator of structural complexity in projects. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 40(3), 488-500. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zwikael, O., Salmona, M., Meredith, J., and Zarghami, S.A., (2023). Enhancing project stakeholder communication under insufficient knowledge of project management concepts. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,30 (10), 5007-5029.. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., and Gunawan, I. (2023). Forecasting the impact of population growth on robustness of water distribution networks: A system dynamics approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(2), 605-614. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].


Zarghami, S.A., and Zwikael, O. (2022). Measuring project resilience- Learning from the past to enhance decision making in the face of disruption. Decision Support Systems,160(2022), 113831, 1-12. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A*]. 

Kanani-Moghadam, V., and Zarghami, S.A., (2022). The impact of customer characteristics on exploitation and exploration capabilities: An empirical study of outsourcing service companies. Industrial Marketing Management,104(2022), 340-351. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A*]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2022). Prioritizing construction activities: Addressing the flaws of schedule-based indexes. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,148(8), 04022069, 1-12. [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A*]. 

Zarghami, S.A. (2022). Forecasting project duration in the face of disruptive events: a resource-based approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 148(5), 04022016, 1-14 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A*]. 


Zarghami, S.A. (2021). A reflection on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian Businesses: Toward a taxonomy of vulnerabilities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64(2021), 102496: 1-13 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A., and Dumrak, J. (2021). Unearthing vulnerability of supply provision in logistics networks to the black swan events: Applications of entropy theory and network analysis. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 215(2021), 107798: 1-15 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A., and Dumrak, J. (2021). A system dynamics model for social vulnerability to natural disasters: a case study of an Australian town. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 60(2021), 102258: 1-12 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A]. 

Zarghami, S.A., and Dumrak, J. (2021). Aleatory uncertainty quantification of project resources and its application to project scheduling. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 211(2021), 107637: 1-15 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., and Dumrak, J. (2021). Reimaging stakeholder analysis in project management: Network theory and fuzzy logic applications. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 28(9), 2424-2447 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].


Zarghami, S.A., and Gunawan, I. (2020). A fuzzy-based vulnerability assessment model for infrastructure networks incorporating reliability and centrality. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 27(3):720-732 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., Gunawan, I., Corral de Zubielqui, G., Baroudi, B. (2020). Incorporation of resource reliability into critical chain project management buffer sizing. International Journal of Production Research. 58(20): 6130-6144 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., and Gunawan, I. (2020). A domain-specific measure of centrality for water distribution networks. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 27(2)-341-352 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].  


Zarghami, S.A., Gunawan, I., and Schultmann, F. (2018). Integrating entropy theory and cospanning tree technique for redundancy analysis of water distribution networks. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 176(2018):102-112 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].

Zarghami, S.A., Gunawan, I., and Schultmann, F. (2018). System Dynamic modelling process in water sector: A review of research literature, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 35(6):776-790 [Australian Business Deans Council Journal Ranking: A].  

Edited Book Chapters 

Zarghami, S.A., Dumrak, J., and Cameron, R. (2024). Project Management Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. In Pasian, B, and Turner, R.. Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management, Second Edition, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon.

Zarghami, S.A. (2023). A Bibliometric Overview of Quantitative Research on Productivity in Construction Projects (1976-2022). In Silva, F.J.G., Ferreira, L.P., Sa, J.C., Pereira, A.B., and Pinto, C.M.A. Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Zarghami, S.A., and Gunawan, I. (2021). Graph Theory and its role in vulnerability evaluation of infrastructure networks. In Crespo Marquez, A., Komljenovic, D., and Amadi-Echendo, J. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Zarghami, S.A., and Gorod, A. (2019). Scheduling Toolset. In Gorod, A, Hallo, L.K., Ireland, V. and Gunawan, I.. Evolving Toolbox in Complex Project Management, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida.


MGMT8005-Project Risk and Issues Management

MGMT8062-Managing Major Projects

MGMT3002-Techniques for Business Project Management