Dr Gary Buttriss

Gary Buttriss


Research School of Management

Honorary Senior Lecturer
Phone number
+61 2 612 56129
Room 2.22, CBE Bld (26C)
Research areas

Corporate sustainability; Circular economy; Sustainable enterprise; Business and climate change; Innovation for sustainability.


Gary Buttriss is a Lecturer of Corporate Sustainability and Marketing. His research interests are influenced by his background as a marketer, a deep interest in process methods and complexity, and past work mentoring social entrepreneurs. Sustainability strongly informs his research interests, in particular, the emergence of new business models and competitive advantage as firms pursue sustainability and respond to climate change. Gary also looks at methods for understanding the deeper processes and generative mechanisms of organisational change and innovation, again with a focus on a firm’s path to sustainability. He also is interested in consumer preferences and decision making in relation to sustainability. This includes how our consumption behaviour is in part path-dependent and the implications this has for moving consumers to sustainable consumption patterns and establishing new or migrating existing brands to sustainability. Gary’s work has been published in leading academic journals including Industrial Marketing Management and Australasian Marketing Journal.

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Research publications

Google Scholar Profile


Nailer, C. and G. Buttriss (2019). Processes of business model evolution through mechanisms of anticipation and realisation of value. Industrial Marketing Management  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2019.04.009

Buttriss, G.J. and I.F. Wilkinson. (2014). Loci of change: Complex Mechanisms in Interactional Fields. Australasian Marketing Journal – Special Edition on Complex Systems Vol22 (1)

Refereed Conference Papers

Buttriss, G.J. and I. F. Wilkinson. (2020). Processes and mechanisms: Reflecting on the process of becoming a process researcher. First Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS), Rhodes, Greece

Buttriss, G.J. and C. Nailer. (2020) How networks in the Canberra Renewal project help shape Canberra as a sustainable city. 26th International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Budapest, Hungary

Leedon, G. and G.J. Buttriss, G.J. (2020) Do business sustainability actions in response to climate change challenge business legitimacy? 26th International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Budapest, Hungary

Buttriss, G.J. and I. F. Wilkinson. (2020). Organizational adaptation climate change: The process of becoming a resilient organization. Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Orebro, Sweden.

Nailer, C., & Buttriss, G. (2019). Sustainable cities – How interactions in the arts and cultural communities contribute. Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Paris, France.

Buttriss, G.J. and C. Nailer. (2019) The role of cultural networks in co-creating a sustainable city; Canberra. 25th International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Nanjing, China

Buttriss (2018) The role of a broker in facilitating transdisciplinary project teams. 24th International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Messina, Sicily, Italy

Buttriss, G.J. (2018) Reconstructing the organization. PROS, Halkidiki, Greece

Research engagement and outreach

Gary is a member of -

  • ANU Climate Change Institute
  • ANU Energy Change Institute
  • Industrial Marketing & Purchasing,  Group of Researchers
  • Heron Island Complex Systems Research Community

Faculty Advisor - RSM Postgraduate School Council



  • Nominee for Vice-Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence 2012, 2019
  • Nominee for CBE Award for Excellence in Research Supervision - 2011


Gary’s teaching focus is on Sustainable Business. Gary is Convenor of Corporate Sustainability (MGMT2001); Business and the Natural Environment (MGMT3101); Business & its Social Stakeholders (MGMT3102); Managing for Sustainability (MGMT7007); and Sustainable Marketing (MKTG2002); the latter being one of the first courses of its kind internationally.

  • MGMT2001 - Corporate Sustainability
  • MGMT7007 - Managing for Sustainability
  • MGMT3102 – Business and its Social Stakeholders
  • MGMT3016 - Business Ethics
  • MKTG2002 -  Sustainable Marketing
  • Twitter - @SustainableGary


Students of Sustainable Marketing developed short films as their major project. Their aim was to 'persuade or influence attitudinal or behavioural change toward pursuing sustainability. The films were designed to give the students an opportunity to present their work to a broad audience.

The 2010 students had the opportunity to pitch their film ideas to students studying film production at the ANU School of Art - led by Peter Fitzpatrick. Four groups were successful and produced their films cooperatively with the film students while the remaining business students had the opportunity to produce their film independently. The films maybe viewed here: Cooperating for Sustainability - http://vimeo.com/17279192

The 2011 students all produced their films independently after a participating in a film making workshop conducted by Bobbi Cernini. Their films maybe viewed here: https://vimeo.com/user11957521/videos

The students work is featured in the College of Business & Economics Margin magazine - Summer 2010.