Peer-reviewed academic outlets
Hirst, G., Curtis, S., Nielson, I., Smyth, R., Newman, A. and Xiao, N. (2021). Refugee recruitment and workplace integration: An opportunity for human resource management scholarship and impact. Human Resource Management Journal (ABDC: A).
Curtis, S. and Bradly, A. (2021), Inclusive Business: A Private Sector Approach to Poverty Alleviation in Developing Economies. In T. Maak, N. Pless, M. Orlitzky, and S. Sandhu (Eds.) Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility, London: Routledge.
Research reports and outreach
Glennie, M., von Reibnitz,A., William, J., Curtis, S. and Bordia, S. (2021). Review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. Submission to Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Glennie, M., von Reibnitz,A., William, J., Curtis, S. and Bordia, S. (2021). Australia has ranked last in an international pay gap study - here are three ways to do better. The Conversation, October 1, 2021. Available here.
Glennie, M., von Reibnitz,A., William, J., Curtis, S. and Bordia, S. (2021). Gender pay gap reporting in Australia - time for an upgrade. The Australian National University, Canberra: Australia.
Bordia, S., Curtis, S. Glennie, M., von Reibnitz, A., and William, J. (2021). ESG reporting: The case of gender pay gap reporting. Business for Social Impact Knowledge Exchange, Melbourne, Australia (authors listed in alphabetical order, all equal first authors).
Curtis, S. (2020). The potential of blockchain for social impact. Business for Social Impact Knowledge Exchange, Melbourne, Australia.
Capezio, A., Curtis, S. and Barends, E. (2020). Investing in our people: A system-wide, evidence-based approach to workplace change. ACT Health Directorate, Canberra: Australia.
Curtis, S., Ahmed, N. and Glennie, M. (2020). ABC Heywire Trailblazers impact evaluation. Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Melbourne: Australia.
Peer-reviewed conferences
Curtis, S. 2018. The paradox of inclusive business: Capability contraction and expansion, 34th European Group of Organisational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia.
Curtis, S and Bradly, A., 2016. Inclusive business: Towards a conceptual framework and research agenda, Annual European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Paris, France.
Curtis, S and Bradly, A., 2016, The reality of inclusive business: The firm's perspective, 14th Annual Academy of Business in Society (ABIS) Conference, Milan, Italy.
Curtis, S. 2013. Exploring the business-poverty interface: Perspectives of the firm and the poor. U.S. Academy of Management Africa Conference, Johannesburg, 6-10 January.
Curtis, S. and Bradly, A. 2012, Corporate social responsibility and poverty alleviation: A conceptual framework, 71st Annual Academy of Management Conference, Boston, U.S.A.