Research School of Management
Marketing; Management.
Stephen Dann is a Senior Lecturer of Marketing. Stephen’s research spans marketing, management, leadership, with specific examples including: the pioneering of Marketing definitions and applications, a marketing perspective on Twitter analysis including textual analysis of timelines and hashtag events; examining the ideology of Political Marketing and Stakeholder Engagement; the applications of Services Marketing in postgraduate supervision’; and the art and uptake of #Selfies on Instagram. As an experienced Certified Lego® Serious Play™ Facilitator, Stephen’s research also explores the marketing applications of Lego Serious Play. Stephen’s work has been published in top-ranked journals including European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Marketing Theory, Australasian Marketing Journal and Journal of Macromarketing.
Twitter: @stephendann
Research publications
Publication List
Six best publications
1. - Dann, S (2010) “Redefining Social Marketing: Adapting and adopting contemporary commercial marketing thinking into the social marketing discipline”, Journal of Business Research 63 (2) 147-153 doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2009.02.013 (388 citations)
2. - Dann, S (2010) Twitter content classification, First Monday, 15 (12)- 6 December 2010, http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/2745/2681
3. - Hughes, A., & Dann, S. (2009). Political marketing and stakeholder engagement. Marketing Theory, 9(2), 243-256.
4. - Dann, S (2008) Applying services marketing principles to postgraduate supervision, Quality Assurance in Education 16 (4), 333-346,
5. - Dann, S. Harris, P, Mort, G. Fry, M.L. and Binney W (2007) Reigniting the Fire : A contemporary research agenda for social, political and non profit marketing, Journal of Public Affairs, 7 pp291-304 DOI: 10.1002/pa.269
6. - Eagar, T., & Dann, S. (2016). Classifying the narrated# selfie: genre typing human-branding activity. European Journal of Marketing, 50(9/10), 1835-1857.
For more publications, and most up to date citation counts, head to my Google Scholar Profile
Teaching and Learning Publications
- Dann & Dann (2011), E-marketing Theory and Application, Palgrave
- Solomon, Dann, Dann, & Bennett (2007), Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education
- Dann & Dann, Competitive Marketing Strategy, Pearson Education (2007)
- Dann, S and Dann, S (2005) Insight and Overview of Social Marketing, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Queensland Government.
- Dann, S. and Dann, S (2004), Strategic Internet Marketing 2nd edition, Brisbane: Wiley
- Dann, S. & Dann, S (2004), Introduction to Marketing, Brisbane: Wiley
- Lawrence, E, Newton, S., Corbitt, B., Lawrence, J., Dann, S. & Thanasankit, T (2001) Internet Commerce: Digital Models for Business (3rd Edition), John Wiley Publishers, Brisbane
Research grants and awards
Research Grants (Australian)
Year |
Grant |
Award |
Topic |
2020 |
Discovery DP200101462 with with Prof Bronwyn Hemsley and Prof Susan Balandin |
371,623.00 |
An Appetite for the Future: 3D Printed Food for People with Swallowing Disability |
Research Grants (Canadian)
Year |
Grant |
Award |
Topic |
2018 |
Visiting Fellowship |
CAD$6000 |
Dhillon School of Business Burns Visiting Fellow, University of Lethbridge |
2017 |
University of Lethbridge Community of Research Excellence Development Opportunities (CREDO) grant with Adriane MacDonald |
CAD$25000 |
Navigating Paradoxical Tensions with Sense-making Tools: A Study of Lego Serious Play for MultiStakeholder Partnerships |
2018 |
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) grant with Adriane MacDonald |
CAD$55000 |
Navigating Paradoxical Tensions with Sensemaking Tools: A Study of Lego Serious Play for MultiStakeholder Partnerships |
Research Grants (Australian National University)
Year |
Grant |
Award |
Topic |
2018 |
Kambri Project Teaching Award |
3,480 |
Innovative Course Delivery |
2018 |
ANU Teaching Enhancement Grant |
$9742 |
Building the Innovative/Reflective Learner: Using Lego Serious Play processes to enhance metacognitive practice in postgraduate professional learning environments |
2016 |
Research School Grant |
$7500 |
Development and Refinement of an Instagram Content Classification Framework |
2014 |
Research School Grant |
$8500 |
Establishing the Social Marketing Research Agenda 2016-2021 |
2013 |
Research School Grant |
$8300 |
“Raising the Stakeholders” A qualitative exploration of how political marketing practitioners manage stakeholder relationships and deliver promises of political value to the electorate |
2009 |
College of Business and Education Outreach Grant |
$6000 |
The Social Marketing Agenda: A benchmarking study of Australian Teaching and Research Capacity in social marketing |
2008 |
Vice Chancellor’s Travel Grant |
$7000 |
World Social Marketing Conference to present a new global definition of social marketing |
2007 |
College Internal Grant |
$8900 |
Impact of social networks on consumer decision making for on-line services consumption |
Industry Income (Lego Serious Play Workshops)
Year |
Agency |
Income |
Topic |
2018 |
University of New England |
$7500 |
Lego Serious Play Day Length Stakeholder Consultation Event |
Australian Catholic University |
$2000 |
Senior Executive Retreat |
$3000 |
Senior Management Leadership Retreat |
MoodleMoot |
$5000 |
Product Specification Event |
Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT) |
$1500 |
Strategy Development Day |
University of Technology Sydney School of Health (Speech Pathology) |
$3000 |
Team building workshop |
2017 |
$1000 |
Technical Demonstration |
Other Industry Income
Year |
Agency |
Income |
Topic |
2006 |
Equestrian Queensland |
$1875 |
Participation motivation for equestrian sports |
Productive Ageing Centre |
$1500 |
Volunteering in older demographics: an exploratory study |
2005 |
PWX Games (Canada) |
USD$7000 |
Viability of Canadian based video games in a global wrestling fan base. |
2004 |
Office of the Premier and Cabinet Grant |
$10000 |
Development of “Insight and overview of social marketing” guide to social marketing practice for the Queensland State Government. |
Senior Social Marketing Expert, World Social Marketing Conference (2008)
Post Doctoral Fellowship, AMPR, Queensland University of Technology (2005)
University of the Sunshine Coast and AGB Australia, Best Academic Paper Award (1999)
Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship (1996)
Research engagement and outreach
- Lifetime member, Australian Association of Social Marketing
- Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy
- Australian Institute of Training and Development
- British Academy of Management
- Media Entertainment Arts Alliance
- Senior Fellow, Advance HE (formerly Higher Education Academy)
Prior Professional Associations Executive Roles
- Executive Member, Australian Association of Social Marketing (2009-2010,2015-2018)
- Webmaster, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (2010-2013, 2015-2018)
- Executive Member, Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (2010-2013; 2015-2018)
- unOrganisation Committee, Barcamp Canberra (2011-12), UnConference Canberra (2016)
An experienced Certified Lego® Serious Play™ Facilitator, Stephen has run over 100 workshops. He has delivered to audiences of industry practitioners, academics, students and conference attendees in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Darwin and Brisbane, along with running workshops in Canada and the United Kingdom. He has facilitated individual personal development sessions, academic career goal-setting events, industry stakeholder engagement, and in-class teaching events for management, marketing, economics and engineering cohorts. Stephen’s work in the Lego Serious Play field is a combination of industry impact through consulting, public workshops and seminar series, and research-led benchmarking of the effectiveness of LSP as a pedagogical tool.
Stephen has been funded almost $10,000 by the Australian National University Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Enhancement Grant to assess the value of LSP for asking problem specification and solution ideation processes for professional practice courses in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Stephen is the 2018 recipient of the University of Lethbridge Dhillon School of Business Burns Visiting Fellowship to continue his Lego Serious Play engagement with the Lethbridge and Calgary business communities.
Awards and Scholarships
- ANU Vice Chancellor’s Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2010)
- ANU Achievement award: Candidate for Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Learning (2010)
- ANU Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning (2010)
- Pearson ANZMAC Emerging Educator of the Year (2010)
- ANU College of Business and Economics Award for Teaching Excellence (2010)
- Senior Social Marketing Expert, World Social Marketing Conference (2008)
Education Award Nominations
- Nominated for the 2014 ANU College of Business and Economics Award for Excellence in Supervision
- Nominated for the ANU Last Lecture award (2010-2011, 2014)
- Nominated for Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2008-2010)
- Nominated for Best Tertiary (Adaptation) Single Title for "Consumer Behaviour – Buying, Having, Being" in the Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing 2007 Shortlist
- Nominated for Best Teaching and Learning Package for “Introduction to Marketing; Study Guide to Accompany Introduction to Marketing; Introduction to Marketing CD” in the Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing 2004 Shortlist
Teaching and Learning Publications
- Dann & Dann (2011), E-marketing Theory and Application, Palgrave (50 citations)
- Solomon, Dann, Dann, & Bennett (2007), Consumer Behaviour, Pearson Education (79 citations)
- Dann & Dann, Competitive Marketing Strategy, Pearson Education (2007) (11 citations)
- Dann, S and Dann, S (2005) Insight and Overview of Social Marketing, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Queensland Government. (4 citations)
- Dann, S. and Dann, S (2004), Strategic Internet Marketing 2nd edition, Brisbane: Wiley (86 citations)
- Dann, S. & Dann, S (2004), Introduction to Marketing, Brisbane: Wiley (15 citations)
- Lawrence, E, Newton, S., Corbitt, B., Lawrence, J., Dann, S. & Thanasankit, T (2001) Internet Commerce: Digital Models for Business (3rd Edition), John Wiley Publishers, Brisbane (202 citations)
Teaching Experience (ANU)
- 2016 Services Marketing (UG, PG), Social Marketing (UG), eMarketing (UG)
- 2015 Introduction to Marketing (UG), Services Marketing (UG, PG)
- 2014 Social Marketing (UG), Introduction to Marketing (UG, PG), Services Marketing (PG)
- 2013 Social Marketing (UG), Introduction to Marketing (PG)
- 2012 Marketing Research (UG), Social Marketing (UG)
- 2011 Marketing Strategy (PG), Social Marketing (UG, PG), Introduction to Marketing (UG, PG)
- 2010 Social Marketing (UG), Marketing Strategy (UG, PG), Business Decision Making (UG, PG)
- 2009 Consumer Behaviour (UG), Social Marketing (UG),
- 2008 Consumer Behaviour (UG, PG), eMarketing (UG, PG),
- 2007 Introduction to Marketing (UG), eMarketing (UG, PG), Marketing Management (UG), Services Marketing (PG)
- 2006 Marketing Management (UG), eMarketing (UG), Non-Profit and Government Marketing (UG) Services Marketing (PG)
Teaching and Learning Presentations