Mohammad Zainuddin

Mohammad Zainuddin


Research School of Management

Casual Sessional Academic
PhD Candidate
Room 1078, LF Crisp Bld (26)

Zain is currently affiliated with the Research School of Management at the Australian National University. He is also involved as a co-investigator in a World Vision Australia project, as well as serving on the ANU Grand Challenge "Australian Social Cohesion: Exploring New Directions" (ASCEND) project. He is a certified professional trainer by Swinburne University of Technology, and an accredited lecturer in intercultural management by Hofstede Insights, Finland.

Engaged in projects across Australia, Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Myanmar and Vietnam, Zain focuses on exploring questions with strong theoretical motivation and relevant downstream policy implications. Some of his current research investigates power dynamics in refugee camps, indigenous praxis in virtual spaces, financing gaps for the missing middle, ethical complexities in food supply chains, and digital interventions to address farmer poverty.

Zain has received numerous competitive scholarships, grants and recognitions from such institutions as European Academy of Management (Belgium), IMD Lausanne (Switzerland), Council for Cultural Relations (India), Khazanah Nasional Berhad (Malaysia), Macquarie University, and the Australian National University (Australia). He has over 8 years of academic and corporate experience, complemented by substantial exposure to working in rural regions and marginalized contexts.

Zain has presented his papers at conferences and academic events in a number of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the European Group for Organizational Studies and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.

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Research publications

Book Chapter

Zainuddin, M., Qureshi, I., & Bhatt, B. (2024). Struggle for visibility: Mobilizing dormant logic on social media platforms. In S. K. Sharma, Y. K. Dwivedi, B. Metri, B. Lal, & A. Elbanna (Eds.), Transfer, Diffusion and Adoption of Next-Generation Digital Technologies (pp. 219-224). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 697. Cham: Springer Nature.

Zainuddin, M., Yasin, I. M., Mahi, M., & Akter, S. (2020). Depth of outreach and financial sustainability of microfinance institutions: An empirical revisit. In B. R. Hernández-Sánchez, J. C. Sánchez-García, & A. C. Moreira (Eds.), Building an Entrepreneurial and Sustainable Society (pp. 204-218). Pennsylvania: IGI Global.


Mahi, M., Khan, S. A., Zainuddin, M., & Arif, I. (2021). Economy-energy markets nexus during COVID-19: A dynamic time-frequency analysis. Energy & Environment, 33 (5), 996-1012.

Afrin, T., & Zainuddin, M. (2021). Spike in child marriage in Bangladesh during CIVID-19: Determinants and interventions. Child Abuse & Neglect, 112, 104918. 

Zainuddin, M., Mahi, M., Yasin, I. M., & Akter, S. (2020). The trade-off between outreach and sustainability of microfinance institutions: Does loan delinquency play a mediating role? International Journal of Business Excellence, 30 (3), 295-317. 

Zainuddin, M., Mahi, M., Akter, S., & Yasin, I. M. (2020). The role of national culture in the relationship between microfinance outreach and sustainability: A correlated random effects approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 27 (3), 447-472. 

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2020). Are women better borrowers in microfinance? A global analysis. The Empirical Economics Letters, 19 (7), 651-660. 

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2020). Resurgence of an ancient idea? A study on the history of microfinance. FIIB Business Review, 9 (2), 78-84. 

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2019). The trade-off debate in microfinance: A review of the theoretical and empirical literature. Enterprise Development & Microfinance, 30 (1), 36-54.  


Zainuddin, M., Qureshi, I., & Bhatt, B. (2023). Indigenous voice in social media space: Activating dormant logic through digital entrepreneurship. ICIS. Hyderabad, India.

Zainuddin, M., Qureshi, I., & Bhatt, B. (2023). Logic mobilization in digital space: A hermeneutic account of intersectional praxis. ANZAM. Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Zainuddin, M., Qiu, S., Bhatt, B., & Qureshi, I. (2023). Navigating ethical complexities in blockchain-enabled food supply chains: Evidence from Vietnam. AOM. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Zainuddin, M., Gordon, J., Bhatt, B., & Qureshi, I. (2023). Small business financing reimagined: Is credit with capacity the key to supporting the most missing middle? EGOS. University of Cagliari, Italy.

Zainuddin, M., Qiu, S., Bhatt, B., & Qureshi, I. (2023). Ethical challenges in blockchain-powered food supply chains: A case study. EURAM. The University of Dublin, Ireland.

Zainuddin, M., Gordon, J., Bhatt, B., & Qureshi, I. (2023). Closing the gap for entrepreneurs in the most missing middle: A field experiment. ACERE. The University of Queensland, Australia.

Zainuddin, M., Potier, V., & Gordon, J. (2022). Credit and capacity for the most missing middle: Insights from small and growing businesses in Myanmar and Ghana. ANZAM. Griffith University, Australia.

Zainuddin, M., Khan, S. A., & Mahi, M. (2022). Why do businesses fail? An institutional anatomy of business failure. AIB. Dalhousie University, Canada.

Zainuddin, M., Bhatt, B., & Qureshi, I. (2022). Orchestrated intervention to address multifaceted farmer poverty: Cases of digital social innovation. AOM. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Zainuddin, M., Mahi, M., & Khan, S. A. (2022). Knowledge clusters and ethical dimensions in platform economy: A scientometric mapping of twenty-five years. NEDM. Newcastle University, UK.

Mahi, M., Khan, S. A., Zainuddin, M., & Arif, I. (2020). Economic activity and energy markets in the time of crisis: Fresh evidence during COVID-19 pandemic using dynamic time-frequency analysis. ICFE-BD. University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Khan, S. A., Zainuddin, M., Mahi, M., & Arif, I. (2020). Behavioral intention to use online learning during COVID-19: An analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model. IMTTAHE. European University, Georgia.

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2019). How culture influences social and financial performance of microbanks: Evidence from an empirical study. CESD. National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2019). Loan delinquency in microfinance: Does it have any relationship with poverty level of borrowers? BAFE. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.

Zainuddin, M., Yasin, I. M., Arif, I., & Hamid, A. B. A. (2019). National culture and microfinance: Do the cultural dimensions impact microfinance performance? ICEBM. Cairo, Egypt.

Zainuddin, M., Yasin, I. M., Arif, I., & Hamid, A. B. A. (2018). Alternative cross-cultural theories: Why still Hofstede? ICEMSS. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2018). The role of incentive mix to prevent mission drift in microfinance: A sequential explanatory study. ICIRSTM. National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Zainuddin, M., & Yasin, I. M. (2018). Employee motivation in social enterprises: Tackling the dual mission dilemma. ICBE. Seoul National University, South Korea 

Working Paper

Zainuddin, M., Khan, S. A., Mahi, M., & Islam, E. (2022). Global upsurge in violence against women during COVID-19: A rapid review of evidence. Center for Open Science.

Khan, S. A., Mahi, M., Zainuddin, M., & Islam, E. (2020). At what costs? A proposal for estimating migration costs in the Bangladesh-Malaysia corridor. Cambridge Open Engage.

Op-Ed and Column

Khan, S. A., Zainuddin, M., & Mahi, M. (2021, June). Rising xenophobia and anti-Asian racism amid COVID-19: A theoretical lens. ICS Analysis, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi.

Zainuddin, M. (2020, February 24). Geert Hofstede and cultural dimensions: An intellectual odyssey of a Dutch engineer. The Business Standard, p. 7.

Research grants and awards

  • Postgraduate Research Scholarship, The Australian National University, September 2024

  • EURAM Research Grant, European Academy of Management, April 2024

  • SE Doctoral Seminar Scholarship, IMD Switzerland, February 2024

  • Top Reviewer, Cogent Economics & Finance, July 2022

  • ANU PhD Scholarship, The Australian National University, January 2021

  • ANU HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship, The Australian National University, January 2021

  • International Research Excellence Scholarship, Macquarie University, November 2020

  • Best Paper Award, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, October 2019

  • Asia Scholarship, Yayasan Khazanah, September 2017

  • Graduate Assistantship, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, July 2017

  • India Government Scholarship, Indian Council for Cultural Relations, September 2015

Research engagement and outreach

  • Co-investigator, Technical support to Evidence Building on the SGB/MMM project in Myanmar and Ghana, World Vision Australia.

  • Visiting researcher, Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Bangladesh.

  • Non-resident Fellow, Dr. Momtaz Begum University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.

  • Ad-hoc reviewer, Business & Society, Cogent Economics & Finance, Economics Bulletin, FIIB Business Review, Global Health Research and Policy, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Environmental Management, New Political Economy.

  • Program committee member, Philosophy and Research Methods track, Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) 2021, Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University, Australia.

  • Member, Academy of Management, Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management, European Academy of Management, European Group for Organizational Studies, World Economics Association.


Semester 2, 2022:

  • Tutor - BUSI3029 (Cross-Cultural Management)

  • Tutor - MGMT7107 (Managing Across Cultures)

Semester 1, 2022:

  • Tutor - BUSI3020 (International Strategic Management)

  • Tutor - BUSI7280 (Managing in a Global Context)

Semester 2, 2021:

  • Tutor - BUSI3029 (Cross-Cultural Management)

  • Tutor - BUSI7280 (Managing in a Global Context)