Research Seminar Series: Assoc Prof Alfred Presbitero

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Speaker: Assoc Prof Alfred Presbitero, Deakin University
Title: Globalisation and Cultural Intelligence: Past, Present and Future Research
Date: Thu 8th Jun 2023 
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm
Venue: Allan Barton Forum, Level 2, CBE Building 26C

Professor Sarbari Bordia is the host of this visit



Globalisation has been the impetus for scholars to study cultural intelligence. In this presentation, Associate Professor Alfred Presbitero will share his research works on cultural intelligence in the context of globalisation and recent global events. He will share with us his more than 10 years of work on cultural intelligence and showcase the evolution of cultural intelligence – its past and early conceptualisations, the present state of research and future research directions.



Associate Professor Alfred Presbitero is from Deakin Business School, Deakin University in Melbourne and he is recognised in the recently published Handbook of Cultural Intelligence Research (Thomas & Liao, 2023) as the most productive author in terms of the number of publications and the highest impact factor on cultural intelligence in the world.

Event Details

Start Date
End Date
Allan Barton Forum, Level 2, CBE Building 26C