Speaker: Prof Sanjit K. Roy, Edith Cowan University
Title: Are you ready for AI?
Date: Thursday, 21st Mar 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Allan Barton Forum, Level 2, CBE Building 26C
Prof Israr Qureshi is the host of this visit
Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands ready to impact all aspects of business, from optimizing operations to personalizing services and enhancing customer value. However, many organizations grapple with implementing AI solutions due to a lack of necessary infrastructure and mechanisms. In short, many companies are not adequately prepared to adopt AI. To make matters worse, the literature does not offer sufficient insights into this issue. To help address this issue, in this article, the authors explore what it means to become ‘AI-ready.’ Specifically, this study identifies the various dimensions of AI readiness (AIR) through in-depth semi-structured interviews with top- and middle-level managers from 52 multinational corporations in Southeast Asia, primarily in India. This study used the Gioia method to analyze the data and develop a grounded theory model of AI readiness. The findings suggest that AI readiness can be categorized into eight dimensions: informational, environmental, infrastructural, participants, process, customers, data, and technological readiness. This study makes a significant contribution to marketing, management, and information systems by conceptualizing the AI readiness construct and identifying its key dimensions.
Sanjit K. Roy is Professor of Marketing and Service Science and the Vice Chancellor's Professorial Research Fellow at Edith Cowan University. Prior to joining ECU, he worked at UWA Business School, The University of Western Australia for nine years. He is the Director of the Metaverse Lab @ECU School of Business and Law. He was one of the founding fellows of the Centre for Business Data Analytics at UWA Business School. He is a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator. He serves as Associate Editors at European Journal of Marketing and Australasian Marketing Journal and on the editorial boards of International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, and Journal of Service Theory & Practice. His research interests include Service Science, Customer Experience Management, and Impact of New Technologies (i.e., AI, robotics) on Services. He has published in British Journal of Management, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Internet Research, Journal of Services Marketing, among others.