Research Seminar Series: Professor Chris Dubelaar

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Speaker: Professor Chris Dubelaar, Deakin University 
Title: Eating Socially – Three Meta-Analyses of Social Effects on Food Consumption
Date: Thursday, 2 May 2024 
Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Building 24, Copland, Seminar Room 1106

Farshid Keshavarz is the host of this visit


This presentation includes a significant amount of work done by Prakash Satyavageeswaran, a PhD student whose thesis is currently under examination.

The literature on social eating grew up in three isolated silos.  The three areas of investigation were social facilitation (eating with others always meant eating more), social modelling (eating with others meant matching what other people ate), and impression management (eating when others were watching, but not eating, meant eating less).  This series of three meta-analyses examines each of the three areas and uses the latest techniques in meta-analysis to uncover patterns and limitations in the literature.  We demonstrate that social facilitation occurs, but only under specific circumstances.  Social modelling also occurs and has similar limitations.  Impression management clearly has a strong effect, but has been mainly tested among women.  Altogether, this research raises the question of whether these three mechanisms are indeed separate or are they the same mechanism but displayed in different circumstances. 


Chris Dubelaar is Professor of Marketing at Deakin University.  Chris’s previous universities include Bond Uni, Monash Uni, UNSW, Sydney, and Waikato.  His current contextual area of research specialisation is behavioural eating while his research methods range from meta-analysis, through experiments, case studies, and semi-structured interviews.  Chris has published his Behavioural Eating work in Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Social Marketing, Obesity Reviews, and Food Quality and Preference.  While much of his work has been based on meta-analysis (JM, JR, JPPM, JACR, JAR, JHE), experimentation (FQAP), and conceptual approaches (JoSM, JBR, OR), he also uses other research approaches including case studies (IMM, Technovation), choice modelling (IJRM, JEP), analytical modelling (IJPDLM, JRCS), and structural equation modelling (JBR).  Chris is always happy to help anyone who is interested in learning about meta-analysis or behavioural eating.  Aside from academic work, Chris has also consulted with companies, including CBA and Telstra and several smaller companies, on marketing measurement and performance modelling.  

Event Details

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End Date
Building 24, Copland, Seminar Room 1106