Dr Priya Muthukannan

Priya Muthukannan


Research School of Management

Room 1119B, Copland Bld (24)
Research areas

Business platforms and ecosystems, Digital Transformation


Priya Muthukannan has a Ph.D. in Business Information Systems and is currently an ANU lecturer of Information Systems with A* publications on digital transformation and business ecosystems.  For the last 6 years she has conducted and published studies of Fintech, Digital transformation and business ecosystems. She teaches at the post graduate level on digital transformation and business analytics.

Research publications

Refereed Journal Articles 

  • Muthukannan, M., Tan, B., Leong, C., and Tan, F.T.C., 2021. “Novel Mechanisms of scalability of financial services in an emerging market context: Insights from Indonesian Fintech Ecosystem,”  International Journal of Information Management 
  • Muthukannan, M., Tan, B., Gozman, D., and Johnson, L., 2019. “Emergence of a Fintech Ecosystem: A case study of the Vizag Fintech Valley in India,” Information & Management 


Refereed Conference Papers 

  • Muthukannan, M., and Gozman, D.,2019. “Meeting the Challenge of Fintech Startups: The Development of Dynamic Capabilities at Incumbent Banks,” Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany (15th – 18th December 2019) 
  • Muthukannan, M., Tan, B., Leong, C., and Tan, F.T.C., 2017. “Delivering Financial Services to the Traditionally Excluded: The Development and Impact of the Financial Technology (Fintech) Ecosystem in Indonesia,” Doctoral consortium Thirty-Ninth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, United States, (9th – 12th December 2018) 
  • Muthukannan, M., Tan, B., Leong, C., and Tan, F.T.C., 2017. “The Concentric Development of the Financial Technology (Fintech) Ecosystem in Indonesia,” Thirty-Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea (10th - 13th December 2017) 
  • Ng, E., Muthukannan, M., Tan, B., and Leong, C. 2017. “Fintech Platform Development: A Revelatory Case Study of a Chinese Microloan Startup,” Thirty-Eighth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, South Korea (10th - 13th December 2017) 


Course Convenor/Lecturer, INFS7040 Digital Transformation 

Previous Teaching: 

  • INFS8210 Business Analytics for Managers