Dr EY Song

EY Song


Research School of Management

Lecturer in organization studies
Room 1100, Copland Bld (24)
Research areas

Unintended consequences of strategic action, economic sociology, diversity in organisations, and organisational history


I'm Eun Young ("EY" for short) who is an organisational sociologist. I strive to understand contemporary phenomena through examining historical precedents. Theoretically, I investigate the way in which our actions are founded on and conditioned by the expectations of others, such as gender expectations and behavioural norms, and how such actions produce unintended outcomes at the organisational and social levels. In my postdoctoral research, I examined how social expectations about femininity legitimise women’s lack of interest in new technological innovations, using event history analyses of the diffusion of cameras and photography among 2,578 members of the first American movement organisation for bird conservation. Drawing from a social network analysis of 1,360 animal-related lawsuits and an event history analysis of 942 law adoptions in the United States from 1865 to 2010, my recent research focuses on the emergence of behavioural norms and changes in legal institutions due to public conformity to the norms. Building on the same topic, my current projects concern the role of organisational conformity to deferential norms in political change between 1443 and 1800 in Korea, and the emergence of public indifference as a result of apparent individual conformity to behavioural norms during WW2. Before joining RSM, I was Research Fellow at the University College London, Research Associate at the Centre for Organisational Network Analysis (London), and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UQ. 

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Research publications

Song, E.Y., Vernet, A., & Pryke, S. 2022. In women we trust? Gender-status mismatch and trust in professional networks. Gender & Society, 36(6): 869-894. 

Song, E.Y. 2021. Protect to damage? Institutional work, unintended consequences and institutional dynamics. Organization Studies, 42(3): 495-517. 

Song, E.Y. 2020. Divided we stand: How contestation can facilitate the process of institutionalization. Journal of Management Studies, 57(4): 837-866. 

van den Bosch, K.E., Krzeminska, A., Song, E.Y., van Hal, L.B.E., Waltz, M.M., Ebben, H., and Schippers, A.P. 2019. Nothing about us, without us: A case study of a consumer-run organization by and for people on the autism spectrum in the Netherlands. Journal of Management and Organization, 25(4): 464-480. 

Song, E.Y. 2018. Gendered innovation adoption: Non-adoption of bird photography, 1899-1920. Social Forces, 97(2): 867-892. 

Song, E.Y., & Han, J. 2010. Shifting principles of preferential attachment: Evidence from Seowon-Subject networks during the mid-Joseon dynasty, Korean Journal of Sociology, 44(5): 22-47. 
Song, E.Y. 2008. Competing values in world culture and the emergence of middle ground, Comparative Sociology, 7(1): 28-50. 
Jang, Y.S., & Song, E.Y. 2008. Changing logics of transparency in Korea, 1993-2006: A content analysis of Korean newspaper articles, Korean Journal of Sociology, 42(7): 146-177. 
Song, E.Y., & Jang, Y.S. 2007. Learning from failure: Cross-national analyses of airline accidents, Korean Journal of Sociology, 41(5): 163-196.


<Academy of Management Proceedings>

Song, E.Y. 2023. The role of gender in social movement engagement and field development. The 83rd Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, Aug 4–8.

Song, E.Y., & Hinings, C. R. (Bob). 2023. Unlevel playing fields: Gender and its role in the early stages of institutional fields. The 83rd Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, Aug 4–8. 

Song, E.Y. 2021. How confidence in compliance with the status quo creates opportunities for change. The 81st Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Online, Jul 29–Aug 4. 

Song, E.Y. 2021. Gendered institutional entrepreneurship and deviance neutralization. The 81st Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Online, Jul 29–Aug 4.

Song, E.Y. 2020. Craft and Hardship: Gendered expectations and artistic innovations. The 80th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada (online), Aug 7–11. 

Song, E.Y. 2018. The double edge of hybrid legitimation. The 78th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA, Aug 10–14.

Song, E.Y. 2016. Photos in a frame: Framing, identity reproduction and (non)adoption of practice. The 76th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, USA, Aug 5–9. 

Song, E.Y. 2014. Protect to damage? Purposive action, unintended consequences and institutional dynamics. The 74th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, USA, Aug 3–5. 

Song, E.Y. 2013. Legitimacy based on diversity: A study of the U.S. animal welfare institution, 1865-2010. The 73rdAnnual meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, USA, Aug 9–13. 


Research grants and awards

ANU Futures Scheme, The Australian National University, Australia

RSM Interdisciplinary Solutions to Wicked Problems Scheme, The Australian National University, Australia
09/05/2023-31/12/2024 (With B.Muskat, S.Nazar, and O.Zwikael)

Korean Studies Grant, The Academy of Korean Studies, Korea



Karen Legge Bursary, the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies, UK 2024

CBE Publication Award, The Australian National University, Australia 2022

The Most Promising Paper Award, The ASQ-UofSC Globalizing Organization Theory Conference, USA 2020

University International Postgraduate Award, The University of New South Wales, Australia 2011-2014

Rotary Ambassadorial Award, The Rotary Foundation, USA 2010-2011

Research engagement and outreach

  • Member of the International Committee, The Academy of Management DEI Division 
  • Reviewer, Academy of Management Journal; Organization Studies; Journal of Business Ethics


MGMT 8022 Strategic Management (S2)

MGMT 2003 Business Decision Making (S2)