ISF 2024 Workshop

The 10th Information Systems Foundations Workshop
“New Explanations: Revisiting, Rethinking, Reimagining Theory in Information Systems”

10-11 September, 2024

10 September, 9am to 5pm

11 September, 9am to 3pm

National Centre for Information Systems Research (NCISR)
Research School of Management
Australian National University

Workshop Venue

The workshop will be held in the ANU College of Business & Economics at The Australian National University. ANU HW Arndt Building, Lecture Theatre 1 


The college is within the City West Precinct of Canberra City, which offers a wide range of tourist, dining, shopping, nightlife, accommodation and other opportunities. For those who are considering staying in Canberra after the workshop, Australia’s biggest celebration of spring "Floriade" kicks off on 14th September, along with a range of other events.


The 2024 Workshop

The 2024 workshop will be the tenth in the series of workshops, begun in 1999 by Kit Dampney at Macquarie University and continued biennially from 2002 at the ANU, focussing on the theoretical foundations of the discipline of information systems. 

Previous workshops have generally been regarded by the attendees as great successes since they have combined not only interesting and thought-provoking papers that have gone on to be published in highly regarded journal outlets, but also stimulating discussions and highly enjoyable social programmes to complement the more formal part of the gatherings. The workshop enjoys a reputation for providing an atmosphere of helpful, critical support for new ideas.

High quality papers that have not been previously published are solicited for presentation at the 2024 Workshop. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process, with at least two independent reviewers per paper. 

Workshop Theme

“There is a constant competition between the elaboration of knowledge and its compression into more parsimonious form by theories.” – H. A. Simon, “The Sciences of the Artificial” (1968)

As with the previous Workshops, the focus of this Workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems. Due to Covid, the workshop was last held in 2018: a great deal has changed since then, revealing new contexts, new problems, new limits, and new tensions for knowledge, society and the IS landscape. The time is right to reflect on theoretical progress in the field, and to develop the new theoretical forms needed to understand and navigate the evolving relationships between humans, information systems, and the artificial bridge between the two. The focus of this 2024 Information Systems Foundation Workshop is on revisiting the theoretical foundations of information systems. We welcome papers that challenge, address, highlight or improve the purpose, place, and future of theory in information systems. 

The Shirley Gregor AO Distinguished Lecture

This year, the ISF Workshop will be run adjacent to the Shirley Gregor AO Distinguished Lecture, to be held on the evening of September 9. 

Suggested Topics

Suggested topics for the Workshop include (but are not intended to be limited to):

  • Digital platforms, infrastructures, and Internet of Things (IoT) as a category of IT artefact
  • Smart machines, artificial intelligence, and Society 5.0
  • Theories of digital innovation and transformation in society
  • Social commerce, cryptocurrencies, and public transaction ledgers for personal agency
  • Securing the information society and managing misinformation
  • Governmental innovation and transformation of social services
  • Social inequity, inequality, and the digital divide
  • Augmented reality, mobile and pervasive computing
  • Digital and social innovation in the academic discipline of IS

Important Dates

Paper submission date (full paper): 15 June, 2024
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 19 July, 2024
Final papers due: 16 August, 2024

Submission Requirements

Papers are to be submitted electronically to:

ANU Workshop Style template 

Other details

Submission of a paper implies that, if it is accepted, at least one author will register for the workshop and present the paper at the workshop.

Registration & Accommodation

Attendees are invited to register here

The ANU has negotiated a special rate for rooms at Midnight Hotel Braddon

1 Elouera St, Braddon ACT 2612

Reserve a room for the discounted rate of $308 per night here

Rooms to be booked prior to 2nd September 2024 to secure group rate

Program Chairs

Sigi Goode, Australian National University (Australia)

Alex Richardson, Australian National University (Australia)

James Jiang, EIC of Pacific Asia Journal of Association of Information Systems, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

Organizing Chair

Amir Riaz, Australian National University (Australia)

Program Committee

Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

Simon Burnett, Robert Gordon University (Scotland)

Andrea Carugati, Aarhus University (Denmark)

Ahmed Imran, University of Canberra (Australia)

Marta Indulska, University of Queensland (Australia)

Aleck Lin, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan)

Priya Muthukannan, Australian National University (Australia)

Ilias Pappas, University of Agder (Norway)

Israr Qureshi, Australian National University (Australia)

Amir Riaz, Australian National University (Australia)

Ruonan Sun, University of Monash (Australia)

Silvia Tana, Australian National University (Australia)