ISF 2018 Workshop: Theorising Society in Information Systems

Information Systems Foundations: Theorising Society in Information Systems

13th-14th September, 2018

National Centre for Information Systems Research (NCISR)

Research School of Management, Australian National University

Thursday 13th, 9:00am - 11:00pm 

Friday 14th, 9:00am - 2:00pm


Workshop Program

The final workshop program is now available.

Workshop Venue

The workshop will be held in the ANU College of Business & Economics at The Australian National University. ANU CBE Lecture Theatre 1 – Building 26C

>> CBE Virtual Tour <<

The college is within the City West Precinct of Canberra City, which offers a wide range of tourist, dining, shopping, nightlife, accommodation and other opportunities. For those who are considering staying in Canberra after the workshop, Australia’s biggest celebration of spring "Floriade" kicks off on 15th September, along with a range of other events.


Information Systems is still a relatively young field of study that, perhaps uniquely, deals with a juxtaposition of technology, in the form of computing and communication technology artefacts, and the humans and organizations that design, implement and use systems built with that technology. This characterization, combined with the fact that computing and communication technology continues to change and advance in functionality and potential at bewildering speed, makes the task of developing useful, robust and relevant theory in the information systems discipline a challenge of daunting proportions. It may, indeed, be argued that such theoretical foundations as exist in information systems are weak, diffuse and poorly integrated. Accordingly, the aim of the Information Systems Foundations workshops is to provide an opportunity for those with an interest in the foundations of their discipline to discuss, debate and hopefully contribute to improving those foundations.

The 2018 workshop

The 2018 workshop will be the tenth in the series of workshops, begun in 1999 by Kit Dampney at Macquarie University and continued biennially from 2002 at the ANU, focussing on the theoretical foundations of the discipline of information systems. Previous workshops have generally been regarded by the attendees as great successes since they have combined not only interesting and thought provoking papers that have gone on to be published in highly regarded journal outlets, but also stimulating discussions together with highly enjoyable social programmes to complement the more formal part of the gatherings.

High quality papers that have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere are solicited for presentation at the 2018 Workshop. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process, with at least two independent reviewers per paper. Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings on the NCISR web site, with the authors’ permission, as an abstract or in full. Selected papers will be considered for a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Information Systems.


Workshop theme

As with the previous Workshops, the focus of this Workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems. The focus of this 2018 Information Systems Foundation Workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems at the social intersection. We welcome papers that challenge, address, highlight or improve the role of information systems in society.

Suggested topics

Suggested topics for the Workshop are (but are not intended to be limited to):

  • Digital platforms and infrastructures as a category of IT artefact
  • Smart machines, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Theories and models of digital innovation in society
  • Social commerce, cryptocurrencies, and public transaction ledgers
  • Privacy and security in the information society
  • Governmental innovation and social services
  • Social inequity, inequality and the digital divide
  • Mobile devices, mixed reality and augmented reality in the social context
  • Social impact of digital innovation and disruption in business and government
  • Social movements and anti-innovation perspectives of digital innovation

The main requirement for a paper to be acceptable for the Workshop is that it addresses clearly some theoretical body or bodies of knowledge in the information systems or a related domain. In addition, papers should indicate, where appropriate, the implications for practice of the theory or theories under consideration.

Papers that are carefully argued, stimulating and (especially) speculative and controversial, and that are likely to encourage lively discussion and debate are especially encouraged.

Important Dates

Early bird registration closes: 4 September 2018 

Submission Requirements

Papers are to be submitted electronically to:

Style requirements are specified in the provided template. Submitted papers must use and adhere to this paper template: ISF 2018 Workshop submission template

Other details

Submission of a paper implies that, if it is accepted, at least one author will register for the workshop and present the paper at the workshop.

Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Workshop Proceedings. Copyright arrangements will be similar to those of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems. That is, the authors assign to the Workshop organizers a non-exclusive license to use the paper in full in the Proceedings and on the Workshop web site. For further queries, email or

Registration & Accommodation

Attendees are invited to register here

The early bird registration fee of $260 is available until 4th September 2018 (standard registration is $300 after that date). Students are entitled to a discount rate of $130. For those who only wish to attend sessions on the first day the fee is $100. The "dinner only" rate is $80 and the dinner is held the evening of Thursday 13th September.

The ANU has negotiated a special rate for rooms at QT Canberra. 

QT Superior King Room - $279.00 per night

$21.00 per person discounted breakfast can be added at time of booking

1 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601

Hotel: +61 2 6247 6244 



Please call 02 6247 6244 or email and quote ‘ANU Group Accommodation’ to secure one of these rooms

Rooms to be booked prior to 5th September 2018 to secure group rate

QT Logo

Program chairs

John Campbell
Australian National University

Sigi Goode
Australian National University

Kai Riemer
University of Sydney

Organising chair

Alex Richardson
Australian National University

Program committee

Roman Beck

IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Andrew Burton-Jones

University of Queensland

Jacob Cybulski

Deakin University

Walter Fernandez 

University of New South Wales

Albrecht Fritzsche

University of Erlangen-Neuremberg, Germany

Guy Gable

Queensland University of Technology

Sigi Goode

Australian National University

Peter Green

Queensland University of Technology

Armin Haller

Australian National University

Al Hevner

University of South Florida, USA

Dirk Hovorka

University of Sydney

Ahmed Imran

University of New South Wales (ADFA)

Aleck Lin 

National Dong-Hwa University, Taiwan

Nigel Martin 

Australian National University

Benjamin Mueller

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Craig McDonald

University of Canberra

Alexander Maedche

Karlshruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Kai Riemer

University of Sydney

Graeme Shanks

University of Melbourne

Mary Tate

University of Wellington, New Zealand

Marta Undulska

University of Queensland