2nd-3rd October, 2014
Workshop Papers
Workshop Program (updated 1st Oct)
- Seeking Better IT Value Conceptualization: Some Meta-Theoretical Considerations - Meng Zhang & Guy Gable
- Complementarity of Informational and Transactional IT Systems in Generating IT-based Business Value - Ida Asadi Someh & Graeme Shanks
- Design Thinking to Focus in Achieving Value in Complex Environments - Igor Hawryszkiewycz
- Reclaiming Meaning in IS Theory: Theory for Why, not What - Dirk Hovorka, Robert Johnston & Kai Riemer
- Incorporating Content, Context and Process Evaluation into Action Design Research - Dale MacKrell & Craig McDonald
- Designing the Mind’s Eye: A Holistic View of Design Research - Dirk Hovorka, Matt Germonprez & Matt Levy
- Towards Simple Rules Heuristics for IT Business Value - Erwin Fielt & Shirley Gregor
- Research Methodologies for Complex Ecosystems: Enhancing the Societal Value of IS - Helen Hasan & Henry Linger
- Challenges in How to Effectively Evaluate the Business Benefits of Information Systems Investments - Nomusa Khumalo & Wallace Chigona
Registration & Accomodation
Attendees are invited to register via OneStop.
>> Venue Map <<
The early bird registration fee of $260 is available until 19th September 2014 (standard registration is $300 after that date). Students are entitled to a discount rate of $130. For those who only wish to attend sessions on the first day the fee is $100. The "dinner only" rate is $80 and the dinner is held on the 2nd of October.
The ANU has negotiated a discounted standard room rate of $209.00 (including breakfast) with QT Canberra.
1 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601 Hotel: +61 2 6247 6244 Email: reservations_canberra@qthotels.com.au Web: www.qthotels.com.au |
Information Systems is still a relatively young field of study that, perhaps uniquely, deals with a juxtaposition of technology, in the form of computing and communication technology artefacts, and the humans and organizations that design, implement and use systems built with that technology. This characterization, combined with the fact that computing and communication technology continues to change and advance in functionality and potential at bewildering speed, makes the task of developing useful, robust and relevant theory in the information systems discipline a challenge of daunting proportions. It may, indeed, be argued that such theoretical foundations as exist in information systems are weak, diffuse and poorly integrated. Accordingly, the aim of the Information Systems Foundations workshops is to provide an opportunity for those with an interest in the foundations of their discipline to discuss, debate and hopefully contribute to improving those foundations.
The 2014 workshop
The 2014 workshop will be the seventh in a series, begun in 1999 by Kit Dampney at Macquarie University and continued biennially from 2002 at the ANU, focussing on the theoretical foundations of the discipline of information systems. Previous workshops have generally been regarded by the attendees as great successes since they have combined not only interesting and thought provoking papers that have, in a number of instances, gone on to be published in highly regarded journal outlets, but also stimulating discussions together with highly enjoyable social programmes to complement the more formal part of the gatherings. Proceedings of previous ANU workshops are still available (see the ANU E-Press website). We anticipate that the 2014 workshop in the Information Systems Foundations series will not only uphold the standard achieved in prior gatherings but also build on the strengths of previous meetings, resulting in an even better, more stimulating and rewarding experience for all involved.
High quality papers that have not been previously published and are not under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere are solicited for presentation at the 2014 Workshop. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review process, with at least two independent reviewers per paper. Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings on the NCISR web site.
Selected papers will be considered for a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Information Systems by arrangement with the Editor-in-Chief, Dr John Lamp: http://dl.acs.org.au/index.php/ajis
Workshop theme
As with the previous Workshops, the focus of this Workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems. In particular, for this 2014 Information Systems Foundations Workshop we are looking for papers that focus on the value and evaluation of information and related theories and theorising in the discipline.
Suggested topics
Suggested topics for the Workshop are (but are not intended to be limited to):
- Dimensions of the value of information technology (e.g., economic, policy, social, aesthetic, and ethical) and indicators and means of assessing value
- Business value of information systems
- The value of information systems for national development
- Value of the information systems discipline
- Value of information systems theories
- Evaluating tangible and intangible outcomes of information system use
- The value of information systems as innovations
- Design theory research relating to information systems evaluation
- Specific theories in information systems relating to information systems value and evaluation
- Comparative studies of value and evaluation issues in information systems compared with other similar or related disciplines.
The main requirement for a paper to be acceptable for the Workshop is that it addresses clearly some theoretical body or bodies of knowledge in the information systems or a related domain. In addition, papers should indicate, where appropriate, the implications for practice of the theory or theories under consideration.
Papers that are carefully argued, stimulating and (especially) speculative and controversial, and that are likely to encourage lively discussion and debate are especially encouraged.
Keynote speaker
Ann Steward - Consultant and former Australian Government CIO (2005-2012)
Important dates
Paper submission date (full paper): 30 June 2014
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 7 August 2014
Final papers due: 8 September 2014
Early Bird Registration closes: 19 September 2014
Submission requirements
Papers are to be submitted electronically to: infsys-foundations@anu.edu.au
Style requirements are specified in the provided template. Submitted papers must use and adhere to this paper template.
Template -> ISF 2014 Workshop submission template
Other details
Submission of a paper implies that, if it is accepted, at least one author will register for the workshop and present the paper at the workshop.
Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Workshop Proceedings. Copyright arrangements will be similar to those of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems. That is, the authors assign to the Workshop organizers a non-exclusive license to use the paper in full in the Proceedings and on the Workshop web site. For further queries, email infsys-foundations@anu.edu.au or alex.richardson@anu.edu.au.
Program chairs
Organising chair
Program committee
Roman Beck |
IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Andrew Burton-Jones |
University of Queensland |
John Campbell |
University of Canberra |
Andrea Caruguti |
Aarhus Business School, Denmark |
Walter Fernandez |
University of New South Wales |
Erwin Fielt |
Queensland University of Technology |
Sigi Goode |
Australian National University |
Peter Green |
University of Queensland |
Dirk Hovorka |
University of Sydney |
Ahmed Imran |
University of New South Wales (ADFA) |
Aleck Lin |
National Dong-Hwa University, Taiwan |
Nigel Martin |
Australian National University |
Lapo Molo |
University of Verona, Italy |
Karl Kautz |
University of Wollongong |
Craig McDonald |
University of Canberra |
Kai Riemer |
University of Sydney |
Graeme Shanks |
University of Melbourne |
Alta van der Merwe |
University of Pretoria, South Africa |