Continuing the Conversation: Multidisciplinary Insights into the Strategy and Change Interface
12th August 2020, 3 pm to 6.30 pm
Sponsor & Co-Chair: Professor Ofer Zwikael, The Australian National University
Co-Chair: Dr Kate Hughes, Stamford International University
Building on learnings from four Academy of Management Conference caucuses run consecutively from 2016 on the subject of the strategy and change interface, this online symposium gives scholars and managers interested in the subject the opportunity to further share their research insights and ideas on the subject.
This online symposium’s objective is to encourage multidiscipline debate, research and theory development on the strategy and change interface, specifically, gain an understanding of the micro and macro processes and cognitions employed by strategy specialists and change agents to implement strategies and make change happen. This is within the context that strategy implementation is normally associated with the application of rational decision-making processes and strategies “put into action through the development of programs, budgets and procedures” (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008: 16) while organizational change with the application of behavioral science and “planned development and reinforcement of organisational strategies, structures and processes for improving an organisation’s effectiveness” (Waddell, Cummings & Worley, 2011: 4). By expanding or even ‘exploding’ the traditional boundaries between the strategy and organisational disciplines, new truths for successfully executing a strategy could be revealed.
Each of the ten speakers will explain how their research uniquely advances what we know already about the ways in which people are enabled to bring about lasting organisational change and, as a result, create new organisational realities.
PROGRAM: SESSION 1 https://youtu.be/0CnadYLJnCM
Time (AEST) |
Formal Welcome/ Session 1 Agenda Summary: Professor Ofer Zwikael/ Dr Angelina Zubac |
3 pm |
Introduction: Dr Kate Hughes (Co-Chair) |
3.05 pm |
Presentation 1: Dr Steven Cofrancesco |
3.10 pm – 3.25 pm |
Presentation 2: Dr David Rosenbaum & Professor Elizabeth More |
3.25 pm – 3.40 pm |
Presentation 3: Workplace Spirituality, Corporate Strategy and HRM in China Dr Connie Zheng |
3.40 pm – 3.55 pm |
Presentation 4: Family Firms and Mergers and Acquisitions: The Importance of Transfer of Trust Dr Danielle Tucker |
4 pm – 4.15 pm |
4.15 pm - 5 pm |
PROGRAM: SESSION 2 https://youtu.be/OgotkvNbtR8
Time (AEST) |
Welcome Back / The Book Project Update: Dr Angelina Zubac |
5 pm |
Introduction: Professor Ofer Zwikael (Co-Chair) |
5.05 pm |
Presentation 5: Knowledge and Ignorance in Strategic Management: An Introductory Survey Dr Czeslaw Mesjasz |
5.10 pm – 5.25 pm |
Presentation 6: Managing Strategic Change: The CLASS Framework and How to Use It Professor Maris Martinsons |
5.25 pm – 5.40 pm |
Presentation 7: Creating Strategy and Strategic Change: Insights from a Polish Study Professor Wojciech Dyduch |
5.40 pm – 5.55 pm |
Presentation 8: Creating Shared Value through Collaborative Communities Mr Stephen Abrahams |
5.55 pm – 6.10 pm |
Presentation 9: When Every Second Counts: Implementing Disaster Relief Strategically Dr Kate Hughes |
6.10 pm – 6.25 pm |
Discussion and Summary: What have we learned? What next? Professor Ofer Zwikael |
6.25 pm - 6.30 pm |
N.B. Please check how AEST time differences might affect you, including daylight savings impacts.
Waddell, D.M., Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G. 2011. Organisational change: Development and transformation, Asia Pacific, 4th Edition, South Melbourne, Australia: Cengage.
Wheelen, T.L. & Hunger, J.D. 2008. Strategic Management and Policy, 11th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.