Applications for Assessment Extensions or Extenuating Circumstances

Students may request an Assessment Extension if they are unable to complete an assessment task (other than an exam) by the due date because of exceptional circumstances beyond their control. Exceptional circumstances that may warrant approval for an Assessment Extension include but are not limited to:

  • Medical reasons (student injury, illness or medical condition) of such significance that completion of the assessment task was not possible;
  • Family/personal reasons (family injury or illness, bereavement) of such significance that completion of the assessment task was not possible;
  • Employment related reasons: where a student’s employment status or employment arrangements change unexpectedly due to circumstances beyond their control of such significance that completion of the task was not possible. 



However, if you fit into any one of the below circumstances, you should submit an Extenuating Circumstances Application (ECA) instead: 

  • You require more than 10 days’ extension for an assessment item worth more than 20% of the final grade;
  • You require extenuating circumstances taken into consideration during the marking of an assessment item that is already submitted (i.e. special consideration); OR
  • You need to apply for a deferred examination because you are unable to sit an examination due to extenuating circumstances.


In short, 

  • All requests for Assessment Adjustment (including Requests for Extension and for Consideration of Extenuation Circumstances) should be submitted via ISIS. In ISIS, select Manage My Degree, and then the blue ECA link.


For more information regarding ECA applications please visit the Extenuating Circumstances Application webpage.   

Students who are suffering long-term illness or difficulties should contact Accessibility (formerly Access & Inclusion).